Our Work

CILPK look to promote Independent Living in a wide range of ways including:

  • Equality Issues/Advocacy

We deal with individual and group issues that are reported to us to help promote equality across all areas. We also help support individuals with any issues that they have to make sure their voice is  heard. 

  • Self Directed Support

We provide information to people wanting to know about self-directed support and help to people who have issues or questions regarding their care.

  • Community access

We work with public, private and voluntary sector organisations to advise them on the best ways to make their businesses accessible to all. We provide audits and surveys of premises and work with the local authority to make sure new plans are accessible for all.

  • Local Campaigns

Issues are identified by our members and we help give them the platform to campaign and drive the need for change in the area. Campaigns have included parking and advertising boards

  • 3rd Party Reporting

People can report hate crime from the safety of our office rather than having to go to the police station.  

  • Keep Safe Scheme

The Keep Safe scheme helps people feel safer and more confident when out and about in the community by having their own personalised cards and businesses displaying the logo and offering help.

  • Awareness Raising and Training

We provide disability awareness training to raise the understanding that people have of disabilities. 


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