About Us

CILPK evolved from Perth and Kinross Access group which was founded in 1982 to promote access in all environments.  The name was changed to Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross in July 2012 allowing the Centre to focus on all elements of a disabled person’s life and to promote Independent Living.

CILPK is a unique organisation as it is independent from all other organisations.  It is user led by members who have a wide range of disabilities and their issues drive the centres work.  This set up allows for the vast experience and knowledge of the members to be utilised in all the projects we do.  Membership is open to all disabilities and ages to provide a unified voice to help promote and shape an environment that is inclusive to all.

CILPK is an independent third sector organisation which liaises closely with a number of partners in the public, private and third sectors.

CILPK’s Vision, Mission and Objectives


To have a fully inclusive society for all

Mission Statement

The Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross is a user led organisation where the disabled members drive the need for change in society. Their specialist knowledge empowers them to make the difference in all aspects of life.


  • Promoting Independent living and inclusion for all disabled people
  • Raising awareness and providing advice to relevant parties on alterations that should be made for disabled people
  • The promotion of equality and diversity through the delivery of projects decided by the members that will help support independent living and inclusion for disabled people.
  • The promotion of equality and diversity through campaigning for change in the wider society in line with the human rights of disabled people.
  • The promotion of equality and diversity by providing disabled people with the tools to help effect change themselves

Who we are

Chair and Trustees

Chairperson: Cindy Godfrey-McKay
Trustee: Evander Cobban
Co-opted Trustee: Irene Johnstone
Trustee: Duncan Irvine
Co-opted Trustee: Dianne Theakstone

Office Staff

Manager: Jane Moncrieff
Mat Leave Administrator: Sheila Mackay

Centre for Inclusive Living History

Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross(CILPK) evolved from Perth and Kinross Access Group(PKAG), a user led disabled access organisation


  • PKAG founded in 1982.
  • PKAG moved to the offices at 90 Tay Street in 2010 with one employee.
  • A second employee was recruited in August 2010 as the work increased within the charity.
  • In July 2012 the organisation changed its name to the Centre For Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross.

CILPK are still the access panel within the area and also deal with equality issues and have taken on many projects relating to disability. CILPK are registered with Disability Equality Scotland, the umbrella organisation for the access panel network.

CILPK, a membership organisation, aims to represent disabled individuals’ views in Perth & Kinross accurately. Our upcoming initiatives will focus on fostering independence by providing necessary assistance, ensuring that disabled individuals’ rights to fair treatment in all aspects of life are not merely discussed but actually accomplished. CILPK is dedicated to achieving meaningful outcomes!

CILPK is an independent third sector organisation which liaises closely with a number of partners in the public, private and third sectors.

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