The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 makes it illegal to park on the pavement in Scotland, as well as parking at dropped kerbs and double parking. From 11 December 2023, local authorities will have procedures to follow to allow them to enforce this law. Ignoring this means you could be fined up to £100.¹
Many people face daily difficulties with pavement parking. It is dangerous and frustrating, especially for those with impairments or limited mobility and with mental health challenges.
Pavement parking has serious consequences and can force people to take unnecessary risks. For example:
The Pavement Parking campaign aims to inform the public of the changes ahead of the enforcement coming into effect and ensure our pavements and roads are safer and more accessible to all. The national campaign is live from 20 November 2023 and runs on radio, digital and outdoor channels, supported with a PR and social media campaign.
¹(reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days).
CILPK Members involvement
Evander, Cindy, Ian and Alison, will greatly benefit from the upcoming enforcement of the new law on banning pavement parking.
They’ve shared how pavement parking negatively impacts their daily lives, turning simple outings into dangerous challenges. Imagine having to navigate around parked cars on the pavement, being forced to put yourself into danger by moving onto the road and oncoming traffic.
This is the reality for many of our residents with mobility issues, visual impairments, and parents and carers with pushchairs. Pavement parking is unsafe, unfair and illegal. Watch this video on Facebook created with the help of our Members and please share.
From Monday 6 January, our Parking Services team will take more formal enforcement action to ensure pavements are safer for everyone.
Find out more at…/Perth-and-Kinross-pavement…